Confidence comes from knowing...

Oct 21, 2023

To be enough is to dissolve the conditioning that there is something about you that is not normal, worthy, or lovable. To be enough is to actively accept yourself for the person you are, with all the gross nasties, discomfort, and fears, along with all the feel-goods, rawrness, and wonder. It is to see yourself as complete and whole. Yes, you are whole and complete... even with THAT. To be enough is to respect yourself by establishing boundaries that YOU will uphold in order to keep your peace. It is keeping your promises to yourself. "To be enough" means to be able to tell others the truth about what is real and alive for you and to hold their discomfort with curiosity and compassion. without making it mean something about you. To be enough is to know how to be gentle and loving to yourself.


The thing is: You have always been enough. Yet, somewhere along the way, you believed what society, the community, and your family wanted you to believe: that you had to do something (work, perform, practice, conform) to be loved, valued, and respected. Well, love, that is bullsh*z.


YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE, DIGNITY, AND RESPECT JUST FOR EXISTING. s is a basic human right. Let me repeat it. You are worthy of love, dignity, and respect just for waking up in a body this lifetime.


Treat yourself as though you are inherently worthy, and authentic confidence will come. I'm sorry that you have to cultivate that belief within yourself now because you weren't shown that repeatedly by others. Those folx also were taught to believe they had to work for love. But now's the time to step into yourself. You deserve your own love.

Dear loves,

Nov 03, 2023

Confidence comes from knowing...

Oct 21, 2023

I wish it werenā€™t true, butā€¦.

Oct 10, 2023